Now that the temperatures are getting lower it’s time to upgrade your smoothie game to fit the weather. I personally feel cold most of the time and the thought of drinking something cold when it’s chilly in the house does not sound appealing one bit to me. I do want to keep getting my nutrients […]
Chai Spiced Winter Smoothie
I must admit that that I’ve slipped a little from my green smoothie routine during this coldish and rainy California winter. It’s cold in our apartment (I don’t think they’ve heard of insulation in this state), cold in our office (working with 20 something stressed-out males) and cold outside. In the mornings when I wake […]
Raw Vegan Mint Chocolate Cake
I love cake and eat it too! Especially this raw mint chocolate cake. There were days in my life when I would eat a whole Pepperidge Farm 3-layer Chocolate Fudge cake in a day by myself. Mmmm so good. But so bad. Tons of not-so-good-for-you ingredients so I had to let that cake go. But not […]
Oatmeal Cookie Smoothie
Fall is here and that means it’s time to switch up the smoothie game a bit by using warming spices like cinnamon, cardamon, turmeric, black pepper, cayenne and ginger. Use these spices to season your food and tea as well to promote a healthy, warming glow throughout the body. Although weather is getting cooler, try […]
Two Ingredient Healthy Cookies
If you follow my daily musings on Instagram you may know that morning tea time is my favorite ritual. After having my lemon water, supplements and green smoothie, I boil a big pot of Yerba Mate mixed with something flavorful like raspberry tea and maybe tiny bit of local raw cinnamon honey (bought it at […]