Now that the temperatures are getting lower it’s time to upgrade your smoothie game to fit the weather. I personally feel cold most of the time and the thought of drinking something cold when it’s chilly in the house does not sound appealing one bit to me. I do want to keep getting my nutrients […]
Food and Recipes
Chai Spiced Winter Smoothie
I must admit that that I’ve slipped a little from my green smoothie routine during this coldish and rainy California winter. It’s cold in our apartment (I don’t think they’ve heard of insulation in this state), cold in our office (working with 20 something stressed-out males) and cold outside. In the mornings when I wake […]
Vegan Memorial Day BBQ with Gardein
Memorial Day is almost here and that means hot, sunny, long weekend enjoying the outdoors and most probably barbecuing. The good news is that us plant-based fellas don’t have to miss out on any BBQ foods! I had the opportunity to sample a wide variety of Gardein’s BBQ ready meatless favorites (now 28 different options) […]
How I Use My Essential Oils
As you may have seen and guessed, I’ve become so much of an essential oil enthusiast that I’m now an advocate with my own website selling them! Yes, I blame thank my beautiful friend Kirsten whom I met last year at one of my favorite cafes on our island, Julie’s. We’re both holistic wellness fanatics and […]
Baked Vegan Donuts
What would our annual Vappu celebration be without donuts! I remember when I was a little girl in Finland and my friend Maria’s mother would make Vappu donuts every year. They were incredible delicious, hot out of the fryer. We enjoyed them with some homemade sima, of course. Sima is a kind of a fermented […]