Chai Spiced Winter Smoothie

I must admit that that I’ve slipped a little from my green smoothie routine during this coldish and rainy California winter. It’s cold in our apartment (I don’t think they’ve heard of insulation in this state), cold in our office (working with 20 something stressed-out males) and cold outside.

In the mornings when I wake up I want something warm to drink so first thing I do is boil a big pot of water and then have a glass of warm lemon water with turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper and cayenne, and then two huge cups of herbal tea mixed with even more cinnamon, cayenne, turmeric and chia.

Smoothies have become more of a snack instead of breakfast for me and I drink them after my warm beverages. Throwing in some warming spices like cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, or cloves, makes it more interesting. Here’s a super simple chai spiced smoothie base. You can always add a handful of greens to make it more nutritious. Sprinkle raw cacao nibs on top for fun crunch!

Chai Spiced Smoothie for Winter