Books I’m Going to Read in 2017

I’ve been really struggling with this reading thing for years now, and in an effort to read more (and work on my concentration skills at the same time) I’m challenging myself to read one book a month. I’ve been doing this for a couple of years now and haven’t been quite able to finish every book I had hoped to finish. So, here we go again. I think one of the reasons why I have such hard time finishing a book is that my mind starts wandering while I’m reading. I lose focus quite fast and have to re-read the same page multiple times because while I was reading I actually wasn’t. It can be quite frustrating. When I was a child I read book a week, and I’ve probably read every single Nancy Drew book. Those were what me and the girls were reading at that time. It was like a competition who can read most of them and it was fun.

Here’s what I have on my bookshelf waiting to be read in 2017:

  1. Highly Intuitive People
  2. Be the Miracle
  3. Big Magic
  4. Getting the Love You Want
  5. The 4-Hour Work Week
  6. The Beauty Detox Power
  7. Practical Miracles for Mars and Venus
  8. The Universe Has Your Back

I also just ordered You have 4 Minutes to Change Your Life– Simple 4-Minute Meditations for Inspiration, Transformation, and True Bliss by Rebekah Borucki, whom I absolutely adore. I used to watch her Periscope broadcasts to get happy because she just has that kind of personality that does it. Now she rarely does live videos anymore, but I stay in touch through Facebook to see snippets of her crazy lovely life as a mother of 5, yogi and an author.

Any other feel-good, inspiring, easy to read books you’ve read recently and would recommend?

5 Replies to “Books I’m Going to Read in 2017”

  1. Great list! Your my inspiration for reading more. Thanks for sharing:)

    1. Thanks Veronica! Happy to inspire! 🙂 Now I just got to push through and sit down and READ.

  2. Good list. I m considering to read all books of Deepack Chopra and Greg Bradden. Wish me good luck!

    1. Oh wow! After all that reading you might just feel like a new person! Good luck! You can do it!

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