The current normal has changed a lot of things. Even though I always dreamed of taking a long beak from work (I was actually planning on taking a month off for my big birthday month), I haven’t been enjoying it as much as I thought I would. I have this constant anxiety about needing to […]
Inspiring Quotes for the Weekend
Hello friends! It has been a long week, and my weekend is filled with work as well. The next two weeks are full of different celebrations so I can let my hair down and enjoy the fruits of all the laboring. It has been raining a lot here. When it rains in California, it really […]
5 Easy Ways to Add More Mindfulness to Your Life
Mindfulness is the quality or state of being aware of something, or as Jon Kabat-Zinn says, “Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; On purpose, in the present moment, and non judgmentally.” Many people think that mindfulness is about removing thoughts from your mind, but it is actually about being aware of your thoughts and […]
One of my new favorite movies of all time is The Shift with Dr. Wayne Dyer. This movie makes me feel mellow, happy and trust the Universe having my back. I love the music that accompanies the story, but most I love the long talks by Dr. Dyer. Here are few beautiful quotes from the […]
I spent most of my weekend hanging out in our tiny yard, enjoying the sun, reading motivational books (what else is new) and just doing nothing, but enjoying the sun, peace and family. I often feel that I need to pack my weekends full of activities to feel accomplished, and when people ask me at […]