Fall is officially here, meaning it’s time to trade in flip flops for boots and iced teas for Pumpkin Spice Lattes (but please, not from Starbucks!!! Try this recipe instead). Instead of triggering a case of the October blues, try making few positive changes in your life to boost happiness. Keep spending time outdoors (just […]
Health and Nutrition
My DNA-test results with Vitagene
A while ago I took DNA test with San Francisco-based Vitagene because I was curious about my ancestry (my guess was 100% Scandinavian :), but there was one little exotic surprise too). I also wanted to know how my genes might affect my health, i.e. what were the health related risks based on my genetic […]
6 Tips for Better Digestion
As a lifelong sufferer of constipation (this is when I first realized it was a problem) I’ve tried many things to get things moving regularly. I’m so glad I felt adventurous in 2010 and decided to try colon hydrotherapy and met a therapist that changed my view on food and what I put in my […]
7 Simple Food Swaps for Better Health
I hear people complaining all the time that eating healthy is so hard. It really isn’t, you’re just making it hard. We can do everything the hard way, or the easy way. To start a healthy lifestyle change, do it one tiny step at a time. If you haven’t exercised in years, don’t try to […]
As the name of my blog reveals, I love greens, especially kale :). It was not always that way and most my life I ate mostly tomatoes, potatoes and onions as my choice of vegs. Surprisingly enough when I met my husband I started eating more greens. He had very strict way how he wanted […]