Yoga with Gabby Bernstein and Latham Thomas

I’ve been talking about yoga for the longest time and last weekend I got the best kickstart imaginable for yoga and meditation at Om Factory on West 37th St. Gabrielle Bernstein of and Latham Thomas of Tender Shoots Wellness led two hour workshop called Get your Flow On! that combined the spiritual and physicals aspects of getting your life on the flow together with the universe.
My body felt immediately comfortable with the moves and stretches, I was able to get deep breathing on the flow quite well after the first quarter, but my mind had hard time. I have some serious concentration issues that came very obvious to me during the first meditation practice. My mind just won’t stop wandering. I’ve noticed the same issue when I try to read which is why it takes me very long time to go through one book. So this is definitely something I need to keep practicing until I become the master of my own mind. Or at least notice some progress to the right direction. Mastery might take a lifetime…

2 Replies to “Yoga with Gabby Bernstein and Latham Thomas”

  1. Yoga is the best medicine for my aching back, it really feels good after. I should just do it more often, everyday 🙂

  2. I could seriously use some yoga in my life. Or pilates. The breathing and stretching do wonders for the mind/body.

    Here's to a relaxing weekend,

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