I fell in love with this Miso-Tahini Soup while taking a Probiotic Cooking Class in Montclair Adult School in NJ some years ago. We prepared multiple delicious dishes that evening, but this is the one that stuck with me all these years. I have this soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It has quite unique taste due to the lemon, tahini and miso combo and roasting your vegetables before adding them in gives such a blast of flavor.

 Miso-Tahini Soup

Serves 4
Prep time 10 min – Cook time: 15 min


 1 delicata or butternut squash, seeded and cut into cubes
1 medium white turnip, peeled and cut into cubes
4 cups water
4 tbsp white miso (or any miso you like and adjust the amount accordingly. Some misos are saltier than others).
1/4 cup tahini

Juice and zest of 1 lemon

Optional accompaniments:

 3 cups of cooked brown rice
1 avocado (sliced or cubed)
1 bunch of chives, minced
Toasted nori (or kale), crumbled for serving
Toasted sesame seeds


 1. Toss the squash and turnip in oil, salt and garlic and broil in the oven for 10 minutes. This step is totally optional. Recipe did not call for it, but I feel that the flavors intensify when roasted.

2. Once roasted add the squash and turnip to a large pot, cover with water and bring to a gentle boil.

 3. Simmer for few minutes (or 10 if you didn’t roast them i the oven) so the stock gets flavored. Remove from the heat and let cool just slightly.

 4. Pour a few tablespoons of the hot stock into a small bowl and whisk in the miso and tahini. This step is to avoid clumping. Stir the thinned miso back into the pot along with lemon zest and juice. Taste, adjust the broth to your liking by adding more miso (for saltiness) or tahini, or something else. I added some sea seasoning for saltiness and cayenne for a little kick, because I like spicy foods.

If you have leftovers and need to reheat the soup, you’ll want to do so gently, over low heat, to preserve the probiotic qualities of the miso.

miso-tahini soup
miso-tahini soup
miso-tahini soupmiso-tahini soup


  1. […] if you’re normally having sweet foods for breakfast, try savory foods instead like organic miso soup or avocado toast (more breakfast ideas HERE). In 20 minutes you’ll know if they energize you […]

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